
Mango King of All Fruits

mango tasy slice
Mango is a king of all fruits, not only it has a widespread liking owing to the delicious taste, Ayurveda also believes that the fruit of mango bestows a number of health benefits and wellness virtues. Mango belongs to the family ”Anacardiaceae”. It has the scientific name “Magnifer Indica” and is widely found in India, Thailand, Africa, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala and Haiti. Ripe mango normalizes vata and pitta. It helps to relieve constipation and normalize digestion.The Mango bark, flower, leaves, and seed kennel are astringent and cause dryness of body tissues. Ripe mango fruit is sweet to taste and increase sliminess and mucous secretion. Ayurveda mentioned in the texts to take sweet mango with milk. Its good for body as aphrodisiac, immunity booster. Gives stamina to the body, makes ur skin good and shiny. Every part of Mangos have different medicinal values.
spicy mango
Mango is widely used in many dessert, especially ice creams, frozen yogurts, soufflés, jams, preserves, sauces and more. It is also used in many savory dishes to add depth and texture.
The health benefits of mango mainly come from the gamut of vitamins-they contain over 20 different vitamins. A cup mango contains only 100 calories and offers 100 percent of your body’s vitamin C requirement and 35 percent of vitamin A requirement. It also provides 12 percent of your fiber needs. What’s more, there’s no cholesterol, sodium or fat in mango. Mangoes are also a rich source of carotenes. Interestingly, the variety of carotenes is higher in unrip mangoes compared to ripe ones.

Health Benefits Of Mangoes

Mango prevent Anemia
Mango contains iron and copper so it is very useful in anemia. Mango increase the hemoglobin level by taken regularly along with sweetened milk.The presence of vitamin C in mango helps in complete absorption iron from diet.

Reduce Cholesterol
Mango reduce cholesterol level because of its rich properties of Vitamin C, Fiber and Pectin.The flavonoids from mango helped reduce the cholesterol levels in rats induced with hyperlipidemia.

Beneficial for eyes
Because of vitamin a mango fruit is very beneficial for eyes.According to a study on men and women aged 50 and above, It was observed that a high rate of fruit intake was associated with protecting the retina from oxidative damage.

Improves Glucose Control
In a study of pre-diabetic, it was found that the blood glucose levels decreased and insulin levels increased in individuals supplemented with freeze-dried mangoes.
mango chilled sweet kulfi

Prevents Inflammation
Mango protect us from arthritis, acne, asthma, celiac disease because of its anti-inflammatory qualities.

Relieves Constipation
Dietary fiber of mango fruit help to relieve constipation. Being a good source of sustaining high content of water it helps to smoothening function of digestive system.

Prevents Cancer
Mango is a good source of many antioxidants like quercetin, gallic acid, astragalin ect which are very useful to prevent breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.Mango destroy the cancerous cell in the colon but it did not harm the healthy cells.

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Mango King of All Fruits

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