
Aayurveda Overview

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Ayurveda is an ancient medical science which was developed in India thousands of years ago.
Ayurveda is the oldest healthcare system in the world and it combines the profound thoughts of medicine and philosophy.
everything in the universe – dead or alive – is connected. If your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony with the universe, you have good health. When something disrupts this balance, you get sick. Among the things that can upset this balance are genetic orbirth defects, injuries, climate and seasonal change, age, and your emotions.
Ayurveda is a indispensable branch of medicine, a complete naturalistic system that depends on the diagnosis of your body's humours - vata, pitta and kapha - to achieve the right balance.

Five Basic Elements
dosha in aayurveda
Those who practice Ayurveda believe every person is made of five basic elements found in the universe: space, air, fire, water and earth.
These combine in the human body to form three life forces or energies, called doshas. They control how your body works. They are Vata dosha (space and air); Pitta dosha (fire and water); and Kapha dosha (water and earth).
Everyone inherits a unique mix of the three doshas. But one is usually stronger than the others. Each one controls a different body function. It’s believed that your chances of getting sick -- and the health issues you develop -- are linked to the balance of your doshas. 
In the ayurveda , doshas are three vital energies or "moods" combining one or more of the five elements (water, air, fire, earth, akasha or ether) and responsible for physiological and psychological processes. Their imbalance is considered the cause of diseases. 

Vata Dosha
Those who practice Ayurveda believe this is the most powerful of all three doshas. It also controls your mind, breathing, blood flow, heart function,and ability to get rid of waste through yourintestines.
If vata dosha is your main life force, you’re more likely to develop conditions likeanxiety, asthma, heart disease, skin problems, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Pitta dosha
The pitta dosha is made up of the fire and water elements. Fire is more predominant, and those people with a predominant pitta nature have many of the qualities of fire within them. Pitta tends to hot, sharp, and penetrating. It is also somewhat volatile and oily. The oily nature of Pitta is related to the secondary component of water. People with a Pitta nature reflect these qualities. They tend to feel warm and have somewhat oily skin, penetrating eyes, and sharp features. They tend to have moderate weights and good musculature. When out of balance they tend toward diarrhea, infections, skin rashes and weakness in the liver, spleen, and blood.

Kapha Dosha
Kapha is composed primarily of the earth and water elements. It is heavy, slow, cool, oily, smooth, soft, dense, stable, gross, and cloudy. Kapha lends structure and solidity to all things; it provides the cohesiveness needed to maintain a particular form. Kapha also hydrates all cells and systems, lubricates the joints, moisturizes the skin, maintains immunity and protects the tissues. Kapha is often associated with water energy, and with love and compassion. 

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