
Showing posts from October, 2021


Ten healthy Eating habits

 Ten healthy Eating habits  Good eating habits may take a while to develop, but the body’s response to good food choices will be positive reinforcement for continuing to make healthy food choices. A healthy diet can affect almost every part of the body, including the condition of the hair and skin. Healthy eating habits can also prolong life by giving the organs and systems of the body the fuel they need to remain strong and function properly.  One method of eating suggests choosing healthy foods by color, incorporating reds, greens, yellows, and oranges as often as possible. The color of a fruit or vegetable often denotes specific beneficial nutrients in the contents, and science backs up this plan as being useful when one is working toward making better food choices. The following ten healthy eating habits are also recommended by researchers as being important in strengthening the immune system and prolonging a good quality of life: • Always eat meals and snacks in a designated place

About Yoga Nidra and How To Do

Yoga Nidra Yoga Nidra means ‘yogic sleep’. It is a state of conscious deep sleep. You leave the waking state, go past the dreaming state, and enter a deep sleep, yet remain fully alert, aware and awake. It is a kind of ‘psychic sleep’ produced by a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation, while maintaining awareness at the deeper levels. It is a prolonged suspension between wakefulness and sleep. It induces a higher state of consciousness - a wakeful state of deep introversion or an inner awareness. It is a movement of consciousness rather than a deliberate auto-suggestion. You cannot relax by trying to relax - you need to feel relaxed.  After relaxing your body and calming your mind you can plant a few intentions, sankalpas,or assertions in your subconscious before detaching your mind and experiencing the final stage of deep relaxation. There is a close relationship between the body and the brain. Various centres in the brain control modify, an

Uses of Triphala in Ayurveda

  Uses of Triphala Triphala formula contains Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki is considered a 'tri-doshic rasayana' – it is one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbal remedies as it helps rectify constipation and bowel irregularity but is also something of a universal panacea for a wide range of complaints. It helps cleanse the blood and detoxify the liver as it possesses bitter anthroquinones which help stimulate bile flow and peristalsis.  It is a powerful tonic as it is high in vitamin C, linoleic oil, phospholipids and other important nutrients. It is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and has anti-viral (HIV, AIDS, herpes etc) and anti-bacterial properties.  It tonifies and protects the heart whilst also lowering blood pressure and reducing fat and cholesterol. It helps with the digestion and assimilation of food, improves blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties. It revitalises the whole body by removing toxins, gas and distension whilst nourishing t